You will be assigned a color.
You shall call the following number every day beginning tomorrow.
- 937-0368 (Bay Minette)
- 972-8561 (Foley)
- 990-4669 (Fairhope)
A recording will give you the color of the day. If your color comes up, you will report to the Court Referral Office that day and leave a urine sample.
Remember, when your color comes up, you must report to the CRO that day.
There are three CRO's across Baldwin County.
Urine specimens are collected from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. every day, excluding Saturday and Sunday when the hours of operation are 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. All urine specimens collected are observed. A missed test is considered a failed test!
If you live outside of Baldwin County, you must have your drug screen done at a facility that meets the requirements of the Baldwin County Court Referral Office and the results must be faxed to the Baldwin County CRO office by 4:30 p.m. on the same date. The fax number is (251) 580-1667. When you come in for a urinalysis, you will be required to pay $10 if you are in drug court or a juvenile.
If you are on bond or in any other court, the cost will be $20.